Data maturity

Video: how ‘business literate’ do data teams need to be?

The data maturity of an organization is ultimately be defined by its people: the leadership, behaviour and skills within the business. Things like how engaged the leadership are with the data strategy; what behaviours impact the data value chain; and whether the organization’s people have the right levels of data literacy all add towards it.

But the boot can also be on the other foot – data teams increasingly need to be literate in business too. After all, don’t they need to understand the business’ overall objectives and goals?

In this video, Exasol’s Chief Data and Analytics Officer, explains what this means and why it’s so crucial.

For more insights on the role, remit and strategy of the CDO, check watch Peter’s previous videos on the topic on our Data Insights section.

And if you want to learn more about the path to CDO and how the role could set you up as a future business leader, check out the ebook, From CDO to CEO.